
As Cook Keith & Davis has grown over the years, the complex needs of our clients already required that our people be able to work remotely; whether that was at home or at a faraway location. Therefore, to meet our clients’ needs, we have long invested in the technology that allows our lawyers, and even our staff, to work from anywhere in the world. We weren’t anticipating a pandemic; we were just meeting the demands of our clients.

So when we recently made the decision that everyone must work from home and that social distancing would be the order of the day, the representation of our clients went forward undisturbed.

Rest assured that your case is being aggressively prosecuted. Our phone numbers are still answered. You can still reach us. We are still aggressively pursuing your interests. And we are grateful for the privilege to be your lawyer.

This time of societal disruption is actually a great opportunity for our clients. We intend to press forward when others are pulling back. If you want to talk about the measures we are taking on your behalf, give us a call. We’d love to talk about it. And just use our regular phone number. We’ll answer.

At Cook Keith & Davis, our primary job is maximizing the client’s wealth. Clients will often call or come by stating that they need representation on a given matter. We understand this is really code for “maximize my wealth.” Frequently, we maximize a client’s wealth by relentless, aggressive attacking/defending. But that is just one strategy we employ and we understand the spectrum of opportunities to maximizing client wealth. Our clients range from Fortune 500 firms to family-owned businesses.

There is no “one size fits all” approach to litigation. Because we are not a huge law firm, we are very nimble and we can meet a client’s needs rapidly. We make decisions decisively and execute them immediately. We respond to client emails. When possible, even on the weekends. Our clients have been our clients forever. They don’t leave us and we don’t leave them. We value clients; therefore we don’t lose clients. And we are gratified that our clients value us. Because of our attention to detail and insistence on aggressive representation, not everyone can be a client. But we hope you will give us a chance to review your situation and decide together whether or not we can help you maximize your wealth.

We are Dallas lawyers and attorneys located in Dallas, Texas, USA.  Our email is checked constantly during the week and frequently during the weekend.  Please do not hesitate to contact us by whatever method is most convenient for you.

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